Terms & Conditions

For Guest Charging

Welcome to www.evologyparking.com/dk/ (the “Evology Website”)

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using the Evology Website. By using the Evology Website, you confirm that you accept these terms of use and that you agree to comply with them.

www.evologyparking.com/dk/ is a site operated by Parking Solutions Danmark ApS, trading as “Evology”. We are a limited liability company registered in Denmark, with company number 42325864 and have our registered office at Kollegievej 6, 2920 Charlottenlund. In these terms and conditions, references to “Evology”, “We”, “Our” or “Us” are references to Parking Solutions Danmark ApS.

Tel: 93404037

Copyright Notice and Other Intellectual Property

We are the owner or the licensee of all intellectual property rights in our site, and in the material published on it. Those works are protected by trade mark and/or copyright laws and treaties around the world. All such rights are reserved.

The duplication, processing, distribution, and any kind of exploitation outside the limits of copyright require the written consent of the respective author or creator. Downloads and copies of this site or parts thereof, further publication of content and image material is only permitted with written consent and only for private, non-commercial use. Our status (and that of any identified contributors) as the authors of content on our site must always be acknowledged (except where the content is user-generated). The duplication, distribution, and any kind of exploitation of the name Evology (a trade mark registered with the European Union Intellectual Property Office) is strictly prohibited.

Insofar as the contents on this page were not created by the operator, the copyrights of third parties are observed. Third-party content is marked as such. Should you nevertheless become aware of a copyright infringement, we ask for a corresponding notice. Upon becoming aware of legal violations, we will remove such content immediately.


Evology reserves the right to update these terms and conditions at any time by displaying amended terms and conditions on the Evology Website and you will be deemed to have agreed to the amended terms and conditions when you next use the Evology Website.

We do not guarantee that the Evology Website, or any content on it, will always be available or be uninterrupted. We may suspend or withdraw or restrict the availability of all or any part of the Evology Website for business and operational reasons.

The Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy are part of the terms and conditions of use of the Evology Website. Please note that different privacy and cookie policies may apply to the use of different functionality within the Evology Website and for any separately hosted functionality.

Where Evology offerings are detailed or other third-party content is provided, we will highlight to you that these are third party services or content.

The content on our site is provided for general information only. It is not intended to amount to advice on which you should rely. You must obtain professional or specialist advice before taking, or refraining from, any action on the basis of the content on our site.

Although we make reasonable efforts to update the information on our site, we make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, that the content on our site is accurate, complete, or up to date.

Use of Electronic Communications

When you use the Evology Website or send e-mails or other communications from your desktop or mobile device to us, you are communicating with us electronically. We will communicate with you electronically in a variety of ways, such as by e-mail. For the purposes of responding to your enquiry or other communication, you consent to receive communications from Us electronically and you agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that We provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing, unless mandatory applicable laws specifically require a different form of communication.

Using the Evology Website

If you are using the Evology website for and on behalf of any other person, you must have their permission to provide their personal information and to carry out any actions you may undertake in their name. If you are not acting in your own capacity or do not have the permission of the person in whose capacity you are purporting to act, please do not proceed.

You are admitted to the Evology Website in order to find out more about Us and the services We offer and to request further information about Our services or sectors.

User Obligations and Restrictions

You will not use the Evology Website for any unlawful purpose including:

  • posting material containing any virus or interfere with the operation of the website or attempt to decipher, or modify any of the software, coding or information comprised in this website;
  • providing false, inaccurate, or misleading information;
  • breaching any applicable laws, regulations, licences, or third-party rights;
  • purposely intercepting, accessing without authority, or expropriating any system, data, or personal data, as defined in the General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679)

Failure to comply with these terms may result in Evology taking all or any of the following actions:

  • Immediate, temporary or permanent withdrawal of your right to use the Evology Website;
  • Immediate, temporary or permanent removal of any contribution uploaded by you to the Evology Website;
  • Issuance of a warning to you;
  • Legal action against you; and / or
  • Disclosure of such information to law enforcement authorities as we reasonably feel is necessary or as required by law.

The actions Evology may take are not limited to those described above, and Evology may take any other action we reasonably deem appropriate. You are also responsible for ensuring that all persons who access our site through your internet connection are aware of these terms of use and other applicable terms and conditions, and that they comply with them.

You agree to fully reimburse Evology and its content providers in respect of all losses, costs, actions, claims and liabilities incurred by Evology as a result of any breach of these terms or any data submitted by you to Evology.

Our Liability

The information on this site has been included in good faith but it is for general information only and should not be relied upon for any specific purpose. No representation or warranty is given by Us or any content providers as regards to the accuracy of information on the Evology website and there shall be no liability for any loss, damage or expense arising out of any reliance on information contained on this site, access to, use of or inability to use the Evology Website. Evology may, in its sole discretion, alter or discontinue any feature of the Evology Website.

Evology will make all reasonable attempts to prohibit viruses from the site but cannot guarantee this. You should take appropriate steps to put in place anti-virus software and any other reasonable measures in respect of this.

We will do out utmost to ensure that availability of the Evology website will be uninterrupted and that transmissions will be error-free. However, due to the nature of the internet, this cannot be guaranteed. Also, your access to the Evology Website may occasionally be suspended or restricted to allow for repairs, maintenance, or the introduction of new facilities or services. We will attempt to limit the frequency and duration of any such suspension or restriction.

We, our agents, sub-contractors and/or content providers, will not be responsible for (i) losses that were not caused by any breach on Our part or that of Our agents, sub-contractors or content providers in the provision of the Evology website, or (ii) any business loss (including loss of profits, revenue, contracts, anticipated savings, data, goodwill or wasted expenditure), or (iii) any indirect or consequential losses that were not foreseeable to both you and Us, Our agents, sub-contractors, or content providers, when you commenced using the Evology Website.

We, Our agents, sub-contractors and/or content providers, will not be held responsible for any delay or failure to comply with our obligations under these conditions, if the delay or failure arises from any cause which is beyond Our, Our agents, sub-contractors or content providers, reasonable control.

Nothing in these conditions limits or excludes Our responsibility for fraudulent representations made by US, Our agents or sub-contractors or for death or personal injury caused by Our, Our agents or sub-contractors’ negligence or wilful misconduct.

Applicable Law

These Terms and Conditions of Use are subject to Danish law. Any dispute arising out of these Terms and Conditions of Use should be dealt with by the Danish courts.