Paying for parking factors into millions of journeys every single day.
When you’re travelling anywhere, having to pay for parking will sit at the back of your mind, especially if you’re going somewhere new and don’t know how to pay, or where. Whether you’re commuting or on a day trip somewhere, we’ve got 6 reasons why you should keep an eye out for Evology Pay at the next car park you visit.
1. Pay Your Way
Everyone likes to do things their own way from time to time. We have a range of ways to pay for parking on a site that lets you choose the way that you’re most comfortable with. Whether that’s scanning your card for a quick contactless payment or whipping out your phone to pay through an app, there are flexible options to suit everyone.

2. Convenience
Paying for parking needs to be fast and easy, you’re busy, so the last thing you need to get held up by payment options that are really clunky. Every single option we offer is fast, easy to use, and convenient. From apps and online portals to our chargers which use the same Tap & Go technology you find on the London Underground, we’re making sure you can get on with the rest of your day without delays.

3. Security
You want to know that when you pay for parking your details are safe and secure. We use Stripe payments to make sure everything is as safe as possible, giving you absolute peace of mind when it comes to sorting out your parking.

4. Reliability
There’s nothing worse than arriving at a car park and realising that there aren’t any ways to pay as all the machines are broken. This is why we provide different options, so there’s always a plan B, but we also monitor our solutions 24/7. If anything goes wrong, we’re able to spot and fix the issue, usually remotely. So we can keep a car park up and running without anyone even noticing something was the matter.

5. We’ve got you covered
Sometimes you have a bad day. You forget your lunch or leave your wallet at home. Our Pay24 service lets you get around forgetting your way of paying and helps you avoid a parking ticket in the process. By logging into a secure online portal you can pay for your parking up to 24 hours after you left the site.
Please make sure you check the car park signage to ensure that Evology Pay24 is available.

6. Plan Ahead
Instead of fretting about a car park and how you’ll pay for parking why not plan ahead and pay ahead of time, then you simply park up and leave without having to worry. Our pre-booking system lets you look for a parking space in an area, decide when you need a bay and how long for, then pay for that time in advance to secure your booking. This strips all the stress out of looking for parking and lets you plan key bits of your trip in advance. This is great for road trips or heading to somewhere you’ve never been before. Simply drop the location of your space into a sat nav and away you go.

To find out more about how Evology is transforming travel follow us on social media.